What does the Second Amendment mean? Is it still relevant today?
Yes, the 2nd Amendment is still relevant today. However, because of the age of the U.S. Constitution, it seems reasonable to test it from time to time. Consider that since its ratification, the U.S. has expanded by 37 states from the original 13, and the population of...
Early Supreme Court Decisions Were Anti-Gun
United States v. Cruikshank (1875) The first test was found in United States v. Cruikshank (1875), which involved the use of a firearm, that was deemed illegal, during the murder of more than a hundred black men over a political dispute. The overall...
Two Supreme Court Decisions Change the Rules Regarding State Gun Control
In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), a case reached the Supreme Court docket that dismantled previous court case’s claims that while Congress could not infringe upon the right to bear arms, states did have the power to regulate and restrict gun ownership. The...
The Supreme Court Decides “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in the militia”
While the majority of the Court ruled that the “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in the militia,” and that individuals had the right to use that firearm “for traditionally lawful purposes, such as...
The Original Intent of the 2nd Amendment And The Creation of the Bill of Rights
James Madison initially wanted to incorporate the amendments to the Constitution into the text of the original document. However, other delegates disagreed with the idea, and in the end, Madison and company attached the Bill of Rights to the tail of the Constitution....
Why is the idea of “A Well Regulated Militia” coupled with the “Right Of The People To Keep and Bear Arms”?
Coming back to the Second Amendment, the question for some becomes, why is the idea of “a well regulated Militia” coupled with “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.” The argument for those in the “gun control” quarters is that if the right to bear arms is an...
“Organized Militias” vs “Unorganized Militias”
The Militia Act of 1903 organized the National Guard into a component of the U.S. Military with funding provided by both the Federal and state governments, and made it clear that the U.S. Government could federalize the National Guard for national security reasons....
The Bedrock of the Second Amendment and its Application Today
The bedrock of the Second Amendment is found in the Glorious Revolution that occurred in 1688 on the British Isles. The Revolution began when influential Protestants thought King James II was attempting to suppress and potentially destroy the Protestant religion...
Should The Second Amendment Be Updated To Account For Modern Society And Technological Advances?
This is a difficult question for many reasons. Obviously not everyone should be able to posses nuclear technology, drone controlled armies, and other advanced weapononry the future has in store for us. Pragmatic minds certainly understand the original intent of the...